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Your Support Means the World to Us

Your support of ISLP enables us to provide pro bono legal assistance to governments, social enterprises, and civil society organizations in the Global South and in countries transitioning to democracy and market-based economies.

Support for our program work means support for advancing just, accountable, and inclusive development and the rule of law.

Donate to ISLP and be a Catalyst for Change

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Planned Giving

Legacy gifts received through charitable bequests help sustain the current and future work of ISLP.

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Double your impact by asking your employer to match your gift.

Give Now

To send funds by wire transfer or Zelle, please email To donate now using your credit card, please click here:

To donate via check or money order, payable to International Senior Lawyers Project, please mail your contribution to:

International Senior Lawyers Project
207 West 25th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Donor Advised Funds