African women
ISLP works at the intersection of global development and the rule of law. We mobilize pro bono legal support to expand economic opportunities and foster good governance.
Latin American mother with baby
ISLP supports local efforts to advance economic development across the Global South. In 2023, our pro bono volunteers donated nearly 13,000 hours to our work on 160 projects in 54 countries.
Man sitting in chair outside house
Our volunteers are recognized experts in their respective fields, bringing decades of experience handling complex and sensitive international transactions and disputes across a range of sectors and industries.

ISLP works at the intersection of global development and the rule of law. We mobilize pro bono legal support to expand economic opportunities and foster good governance.

What We Do

ISLP provides top-tier pro bono legal services to three primary groups of clients — governments, civil society actors, and social enterprises. We believe that engaging private and public sector stakeholders is essential to stimulating and supporting locally-led development and economic growth that can benefit all.

ISLP’s legal support focuses on the following intersecting thematic areas:

  • accountability and transparency/anti-bribery and anti-corruption
  • civil society engagement
  • investment and trade
  • media law and freedom of expression
  • energy and natural resource management
  • responsible technology
  • social enterprises and innovative finance
  • tax

We seek to engage where there is a genuine need for pro bono legal assistance and the opportunity to make a contribution to global development and the rule of law.

Engagements are driven by client needs and based on the attorney-client model: volunteer legal experts provide advice and guidance, while clients direct development decisions and outcomes.

Where We Work

ISLP regularly handles over 100 projects each year throughout the Global South.

Hover over dots on the map to see recent examples of our impact around the world.


David A. Schulz Volunteer Spotlight

17 December 2024|

We are thrilled to feature David Schulz in our latest Volunteer Spotlight! ISLP extends heartfelt thanks to David, a dedicated media law volunteer, for his invaluable contributions to our [...]

Tribute to Dick Winfield – November 2024

12 November 2024|

In Memoriam Richard “Dick” Winfield 1933 - 2024. ISLP Newsletter Special Edition, November 2024. With heavy hearts, ISLP pays tribute to our beloved colleague and friend, Dick Winfield, who passed away on October 22 at the age of 91.

Recent ISLP Publications

Global Minimum Tax Guide

Many countries will be affected by the Pillar Two Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) minimum tax proposal whether or not they participate actively in the OECD–G20 Inclusive Framework on base erosion and profit shifting. The GloBE initiative creates a pool of potential tax revenues on corporate multinationals’ incomes to be collected by GloBE participating countries whenever the effective tax rate of a multinational in the country falls below 15%.

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Private Investment Funds Governance Handbook

The International Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP) is pleased to make this Private Investment Funds Governance Handbook available to the impact investment community. The Handbook was authored principally by a team of seasoned private equity lawyers from the respected Morgan, Lewis & Bockius international law firm acting pro bono publico.

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